Batchomatic and 13.5

Tested out Batchomatic on my iPhone XS Max today. I perused some other tips before diving in this and found the last part about how to install the .deb a bit unclear, exactly what to tap. I had previously exported .deb files from iOS 13.3 in anticipation of an upgrade to iOS 13.5 before Apple stops signing it.

To re-install tweaks from 13.3 on to 13.5, I used the following general steps:

1. Update or restore your iPhone to iOS 13.5
2. Install AltStore on your Mac and iPhone.
3. On your iPhone, tap Cydia to update it and install Batchomatic, OpenSSH and Filza.
4. Transfer the .deb file containing your tweaks from your Mac to /var/mobile/BatchomaticDebs on your iPhone (I used FileZilla from my Mac to connect to my iPhone).
5. From your iPhone, open Filza and navigate to “/var/mobile/BatchomaticDebs”, tap the .deb file you placed with step 3, and in the upper right hand corner tap “Install” (don’t bother tapping “Extract”, it won’t help you for this exercise).
6. When the install is complete, move back to Cydia->Search, tap Batchomatic’s icon in the upper left corner, tap “Install .deb”, and tap “Proceed”.

Your tweaks should now install. Mine belched an error message about not being able to install Karen’s AppSync Unified, so I went back afterward and installed it manually. Finally, if you have trouble with errors about not being able to install more than 3 apps, I found a couple issues. One, I had Apple’s TestFlight and another developer’s beta, Eat It, on my iPhone. Two, the 13.5 restore brought back AltStore and unc0ver, so I had accidentally tried installing AltStore twice, this Tweet may also help you out of this issue.

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